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+353 21 239 8720
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The Sun­day Times review – Lise Hand

Lise Hand in the The Sun­day Times on 3 Oct 2021 writes:

Goldie is a bit of a trea­sure. There is a fear­less­ness to Aish­ling Moore, a will­ing­ness to take the plunge afresh every day as the catch dic­tates. The dishes are infused with an exu­ber­ance and imag­i­na­tion, Mid­dle East­ern and east­ern spices and tex­tures woven into local pro­duce grown on the land, caught in the ocean, for­aged on the shore or unearthed at the Eng­lish Market.

Only in busi­ness since 2019 (with a pan­demic in the mid­dle), Goldie is a close-​knit team, clearly immensely proud of their Miche­lin acco­lade — their chef’s first but not, one sus­pects, her last.”

read the full review here (sub­scrip­tion required)

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Contact info, map and opening hours


Wednes­day 5pm-​10pm
Thurs­day 5pm-​10pm
Fri­day 5pm-​10pm
Sat­ur­day 5pm-​10pm

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map showing location of Goldie restaurant in Cork city centre

Find us at No. 128 Oliver Plun­kett Street in Cork city centre.

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