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+353 21 239 8720
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Our opening hours for December

🦑🎄 🐟🎄 🦞🎄 🦐

Tues­day the 3rd to Sat­ur­day the 7th from 5pm
Tues­day the 10th to Sat­ur­day the 14th from 5pm
Tues­day the 17th to Sat­ur­day the 21st from 5pm
Sat­ur­day the 28th to Mon­day the 30th from 5pm
Fri­day the 3rd of Jan­u­ary to Sat­ur­day the 4th from 5pm

22nd to 27th of Decem­ber /​31st to 2nd of January

Goldie will be closed for our annual hol­i­day from the 6th to the 21st of Jan­u­ary.
Reg­u­lar hours will resume from Wednes­day the 22nd of January.

Book online now All open­ing hours info

The Irish Exam­iner Review – Joe McNamee

Joe McNamee in the Irish Exam­iner Sat, 02 Jul, 2022 writes

… the food is often excep­tional: bal­anced, cre­ative com­po­si­tions, some­times even play­ful, yet always tak­ing the most sim­ple, direct route, no faffing around at the fringes

Read the full review on irishexa​m​iner​.com

Goldie fea­tured on Neven’s Irish Seafood Trails RTÉ 1

Catch up with Neven Maguire as he drops in on Cork with his Irish Seafood Trails show. In the city, he chats with Aish­ling here in Goldie about the restau­rant and our ‘whole catch’ approach. He also stops off at Good Day Deli, before head­ing out to Bal­ly­cot­ton to the Trawler Boyz seafood truck.

Watch now on the RTÉ Player

First broad­cast on RTÉ 1 on Tues­day 2 Feb 2022

The Irish Times Mag­a­zine – Corinna Hardgrave

A very of-​the-​moment restau­rant: casual vibe, pleas­ant ser­vice – and very tasty fish

This city cen­tre din­ing room’s global flavours add spark and orig­i­nal­ity to local produce

Read the review on the Irish Times web­site (sub­scrip­tion required)

The Sun­day Times review – Lise Hand

Lise Hand in the The Sun­day Times on 3 Oct 2021 writes:

Goldie is a bit of a trea­sure. There is a fear­less­ness to Aish­ling Moore, a will­ing­ness to take the plunge afresh every day as the catch dic­tates. The dishes are infused with an exu­ber­ance and imag­i­na­tion, Mid­dle East­ern and east­ern spices and tex­tures woven into local pro­duce grown on the land, caught in the ocean, for­aged on the shore or unearthed at the Eng­lish Market.

Only in busi­ness since 2019 (with a pan­demic in the mid­dle), Goldie is a close-​knit team, clearly immensely proud of their Miche­lin acco­lade — their chef’s first but not, one sus­pects, her last.”

read the full review here (sub­scrip­tion required)

The Miche­lin Guide – Bib Gour­mand award

Bib Gour­mand award, Jan­u­ary 2021

A lively, on-​trend seafood bistro with an open kitchen and a stripped-​back feel; the tight-​knit team offer friendly ser­vice and the feel is relaxed and infor­mal. The daily menu offers well-​priced, mod­ern dishes which use a ‘gill-​to-​fin’ approach, mak­ing use of the whole catch from the smaller day boats.

Read more on guide​.miche​lin​.com

Echo Live

Fea­tured in Echo Live Thurs­day 20 Feb 2020

Open­ing her own restau­rant was a dream come true for Aish­ling Moore, of Goldie Fish & Ale, writes KATE RYAN, who catches up with the woman who was recently crowned ‘Chef of the Year’ by the McKenna’s Guides

Read the full fea­ture here

Busi­ness Post review – Gillian Nelis

Sun 26 Jan 2020

Gillian Nelis in the Busi­ness Post writes:

Eat­ing in Goldie is good for the stom­ach and good for the soul – I can’t remem­ber the last time I encoun­tered such lovely staff and such a nice vibe.”

read the full review here (sub­scrip­tion required)

Sun­day Times 100 Best Restaurants

We are delighted to be fea­tured in the Sun­day Times 100 best Restau­rants in Ire­land for 2020

Our upstairs din­ing room is now open

We’ve opened our new first floor din­ing room for 2020 and can’t wait to show it off. As we have dou­bled our capac­ity, we are pleased to take a lim­ited amount of reser­va­tions. We are open Tues­day to Sat­ur­day from 5pm. Walk in any­time or book on [email address — enable javascript to view]

Eater​.com 22 Essen­tial Restau­rants in Cork 2020

Goldie fea­tures in the Eater​.com list of the 22 Essen­tial Restau­rants in Cork for 2020 along with our sis­ter restau­rant (and neigh­bour) Elbow Lane Brew & Smoke House

Read more on Eater​.com

Georgina Campell’s Ire­land Guide

With fish com­ing almost exclu­sively from small day boats fish­ing out of Bal­ly­cot­ton, a ‘whole catch pol­icy’ and ‘gill to tail’ approach, we love every­thing about @goldie_cork

Read more on ire​land​-guide​.com

Irish Inde­pen­dent

Cork’s deli­ciously inno­v­a­tive new fish restau­rant is quite the catch

Read the review by Katy McGuin­ness on inde​pen​dent​.ie (reg­is­tra­tion required)

“Chef of the year ” – McKenna’s Guides

In Cork city, Aish­ling Moore’s whole-​fish cook­ery in Goldie showed the cap­cious phi­los­o­phy of the best cook in town, and Ms Moore is our Chef of the Year.

Read more on Guides​.ie

Joe McNamee, Irish Examiner

Tom Door­ley, Irish Daily Mail review

Our first press review is by Tom Door­ley writ­ing in the Irish Daily Mail.

… one of the most excit­ing things to hap­pen food in the city in a very long time”

Read the full review on tom​door​ley​.com

Contact info, map and opening hours


Wednes­day 5pm-​10pm
Thurs­day 5pm-​10pm
Fri­day 5pm-​10pm
Sat­ur­day 5pm-​10pm

Decem­ber 2024 – Jan­u­ary 2025 Hours

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Tues­day the 3rd to Sat­ur­day the 7th from 5pm
Tues­day the 10th to Sat­ur­day the 14th from 5pm
Tues­day the 17th to Sat­ur­day the 21st from 5pm
Sat­ur­day the 28th to Mon­day the 30th from 5pm
Fri­day the 3rd of Jan­u­ary to Sat­ur­day the 4th from 5pm

22nd to 27th of Decem­ber /​31st to 2nd of January

Goldie will be closed for our annual hol­i­day from the 6th to the 21st of Jan­u­ary.
Reg­u­lar hours will resume from Wednes­day the 22nd of January.

Book now

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map showing location of Goldie restaurant in Cork city centre

Find us at No. 128 Oliver Plun­kett Street in Cork city centre.

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